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Coaching through growth and investment rounds

From Seed through to Series B

We helped a company at very early stages of their development, having just completed their seed investment round and now gearing up for Series A with a team of 5. We helped them to be the most efficient they could be at a time where they had limited resources and were juggling the development of the MVP and the business, with raising capital for the Series A investment round. This process of running and growing a business whilst doing a capital raise is significantly challenging and energy intensive and can feel like having two full time jobs. Nonetheless, at this time it is vital for leaders to be as focused as possible to ensure they are speaking to the right people in the right manner.

Emotional Intelligence Profile & Recruitment

Over the next 12 months, the business successfully hit those goals and raised Series A investment meaning the coaching needs shifted to focus on leadership and development of the senior management team and recruitment. By offering an Emotional Intelligence Profile we were able to assist and play an active part in the recruitment process. This enabled the business to not only see if the capabilities of the interviewee were right for the company, but also, if they were going to be a good fit in terms of culture and emotional intelligence. Particularly at this stage of business growth, having the correct attitude is crucial for potential employees. As we built out the senior management team, we were able to help them develop and grow as their teams underneath them grew too.

Using the Emotional Intelligence Profile we were able to assist and play an atcive part in the recruitment process.

David Berkeley


This helped the company transition through a lot of growing pains, which inevitably arose as the company went from 5 to 30 people in a very short space of time. At this point it was key to make sure that the founders were growing in their skills, as the company was growing around them. At the same time, the key senior managers were very focused and clear on how they would grow within their roles.

As that company then transitioned, the coaching requirements of the founders were much less about the doing day to day work. Instead they were more focused on, the leading of the company, how to grow effective and lasting business relations, how to manage and lead their team, how to deal with difficult conversations, giving feedback and making sure the company values were being built in the right way. All of these elements are some of the day to day pressures and strains that CEOs and senior management teams can feel in fast growing start-ups.

This company is now thriving at this stage and are heading very quickly towards a successful series B investment round.
